Phone Numbers
Government and Emergency Contacts
- Boating accidents
Contact any local law enforcement agency or Texas Parks and Wildlife Department at 800-792-1112 or 512-389-4848 (24 hr dispatch)
- Brazoria County Environmental Health
Monday thru Friday 8am-5pm
(979) 864-1600
- Brazoria County Sheriffs Dept, Environmental Investigations
Report large spills, toxic material, illegal dumping
Emergency 911
Dispatch (979) 864-2392
Regulatory Investigator J. Mink
(979) 864-2040 or (979) 864-2392
- Brazoria County Game Wardens
Crawford, Colt 409-782-8788
Jennings, Scott E 979-481-0930
Rangel, Carter 979-248-5107
Richers, Jason H 979-481-1184
Van Dyke, Jim B 979-549-5444
- CAER Line - 979-491-CAER(2237)
Call the CAER line for questions about plant operations - Chevron Phillips Chemical Sweeny, Clemens & Old Ocean Facilities
- National Response Center
Oil / Chemical spills in navigable waterways
(800) 424-8802
- Texas General Land Office
Oil Spill Reporting
(800) 832-8224
Abandoned / Sunken Vessel Removal
Bill Grimes (512) 475-1464
- Texas Commission on Environmental Quality
Chemical Spill / Release Reporting
(800) 832-8224
- Texas Parks and Wildlife Spills and Kills
Fish kills
Office hours: 281-534-0107
Dispatch Team: 281-842-8100
Austin: 512-389-4848
- TPWD Texas Parks and Wildlife Dept.
Call TPWD for violations of trash on the river banks.
- TGLO Texas General Land Office
The Texas General Land Office is the management agency for state lands and mineral rights totaling 20.4 million acres. This includes the Gulf Coast beaches and bays and other "submerged" lands extending 10.3 miles out from the shoreline. It would be involved in the event of a chemical spill into the river.
PERMITS - Contact: Allison Buchtien, Galveston PSC, 409.741.4057
You need to obtain permits before building a pier, etc. on the San Bernard. Contact the free TGLO Permit Service Center (PSC) for assistance in obtaining a lease from the GLO and/or a permit from the USCOE. The GLO will determine where a bulkhead can be placed.
- BCSO Brazoria County Sheriff's Office
County Sheriff: Charles Wagner. The Sheriff's Office patrols the river from time to time. Also the Brazoria County Sheriff Department - Environmental Health now has enforcement powers on the San Bernard River for such things as trash dumping, sewage runoff and sewage dumping into the River and Pollution issues
Regulatory Investigator J. Mink (919)864-(979)864-2392
- USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
They tend the dredging of the river. They are located in the Galveston District.
- Brazos River Floodgates Status Report
- EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Responsible for administering the Clean Water Act. Exercises authority through the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) which oversees discharges from both point sources, such as from business and industry, sewage treatment plants, and non-point sources such as urban runoff. EPA delegates to the states to certify that permitted actions are consistent with the Clean Water Act. Supports environmental enhancement programs and projects |
- FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
Provides flood insurance to jurisdictions that meet the criteria for participation in their program. The program was initiated to encourage better flood plain management and reduce damaged in flood-prone areas |
- NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service
The National Marine Fisheries Services operates under the U.S. Department of Commerce. Mission includes the conservation and management of living marine resources. Activities focus on the coastal zone and estuaries. |
- Phillips 66 - Midstream
For inquiries about operations near Sweeny call: 979-491- 2237 (CAER)
For inquiries about pipeline or operations near Freeport and Brazoria call: 1-888-766-1000
Shannon Vogt
Phillips 66 | Advisor, Business Communications
Communications & Public Affairs
3010 Briarpark Dr | Houston, TX 77042
For inquiries about pipeline or operations near Freeport and Brazoria call: 1-888-766-1000
Shannon Vogt
Phillips 66 | Advisor, Business Communications
Communications & Public Affairs
3010 Briarpark Dr | Houston, TX 77042
- Union Pacific RR Bridge (mile 20)
For recreational vessels that have height restrictions intending to spend the day upriver and then return, call bridge tenders Steven Pena 979.216.6037 or B.D. Maher 979.482.1217. Note: the bridge is open only during certain times and number of times per day.
- USFWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service operates under the U.S. Department of the Interior. Responsible for the conservation, protection, and enhancement of fish and wildlife and their habitats. Major responsibilities are for migratory birds, candidate species, endangered species, some marine mammals, and freshwater and anadromous fish. Provides technical assistance to agencies for wildlife management, funding for wetlands acquisition, acquisition of areas for protection of migratory birds. |
- Texas Stream Team
Texas Stream Team is a network of trained volunteers and supportive partners working together to gather information about the natural resources of Texas and to ensure the information is available to all Texans. Established in 1991, Texas Stream Team is administered through a cooperative partnership between Texas State University, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ), and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Currently, over 400 Texas Stream Team volunteers collect water quality data on lakes, rivers, streams, wetlands, bays bayous, and estuaries in Texas.
- Tx DOT Texas Dept. of Transportation
- Texas Rivers Protection Association
The members of the Texas Rivers Protection Association are concerned about the quality of our remaining natural rivers. It will sponsor river cleanups, Work for the passage of state legislation beneficial to natural rivers, strive for increased appreciation and respect for the diverse natural waterways of Texas.
- Galveston Bay Estuary Program
The Galveston Bay Estuary Program—a non-regulatory program administered by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)—is committed to preserving Galveston Bay for generations to come. Established in 1989, we are one in a network of twenty-eight U.S.National Estuary Programs (NEPs) guiding the conservation and restoration of Texas’ largest estuary.
- Brazoria County Shoreline Restoration Task Force
The purpose of the Brazoria County Shoreline Restoration Task Force is to cooperatively and effectively evaluate shoreline erosion problems in Brazoria County, Identify and investigate feasible alternatives to restore the shoreline, and maximize State assistance to the region for shoreline restoration projects under the CEPRA, CIAP and other applicable and appropriate State programs. |
- Brazoria County Parks Department
The Brazoria County Parks department is continually working to maintain the county’s 21 boat ramps in the best possible condition and looking for funding opportunities to upgrade ramps in need of major repairs. Citizens play an important role in protecting this resource. Please report any problems to (979) 864-1541.
- East Matagorda Bay Foundation
East Matagorda Bay Foundation exist to preserve and protect East Matagorda Bay and its estuarine system for future generations. |
Brazoria County Government Representatives
- Brazoria County Commissioner Precinct #1, Donald "Dude" Payne
1432 Highland Park, Clute, Texas 77531
Mail Address: P.O. Box 998, Clute, Texas 77531
Phones: 979-265-3953 / 979-864-1523 / 281-756-1523 / 979-265-5409 FAX
Phones: 979-265-3953 / 979-864-1523 / 281-756-1523 / 979-265-5409 FAX
- Brazoria County Commissioner Precinct #4, David Linder
121 North 10th St., West Columbia, Texas 77486
Phones: 979-345-1130 / 979-864-1529 / 979-345-2839 FAX
Phones: 979-345-1130 / 979-864-1529 / 979-345-2839 FAX
- Brazoria County J.P. Precinct #1, Judge Jack Brown 979.233.4700 979.297.4650
- Brazoria County J.P. Precinct #2, Judge Milan Miller
- Brazoria County J.P. Precinct 4, Place 2, Judge Sherry Kersh
- Brazoria County Constable Precinct #1, Robin Rape 979.233.4188
- Brazoria County Constable Precinct #4, James Brawner 979-345-2115
State Representatives
- Texas House of Representatives District #25
(R) Representative Dennis Bonnen
Austin Office: P.O. Box 2910, Austin, Texas 78711
Phone: (512) 463-0564 Fax: (512) 463-8414
District Office: 122 E. Myrtle, Angleton, TX 77515
Phone: (979) 848-1770 Fax: (979) 849-3169
- Texas Senate District #17
(R) Senator Joan Huffman
Austin Office: P.O. Box 12068, Capitol Station, Austin, Texas 78711
(512) 463-0117 (800) 445-2635 (512) 463-0639 Fax
Committee Assignments: Committee of the Whole Senate / Government Organization / Health & Human Services / Transportation & Homeland Security / Veteran Affairs & Military Installations /
S/C on Base Realignment and Closure
- Governor of Texas
(R) Governor Greg Abbott
Office of the Governor: P.O. Box 12428, Austin, Texas 78711-2428
Phone: (512)463-2000 Fax: (512) 463-1849
- Speaker of the Texas House
Austin Office: Room CAP 2W.13
P.O. Box 2910, Austin, TX 78768
(512) 463-0686 (512) 463-1064 Fax (512) 463-1064 Fax
District Office: 7373 Broadway, Suite 202-A, San Antonio, TX 78209
(210) 828-4411 (512) 463-1064 Fax
Federal Representatives
U.S. President
- (R) President Donald J. Trump
The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500
Phone: 202-456-1111 Switchboard: 202-456-1414Fax: 202-456-2461
U.S. Senate
- (R) Senator John Cornyn
Washington DC, 517 Hart Senate Office Bldg., Washington, DC 20510
Tel: 202-224-2934 Fax: 202-228-2856
Houston Office: 5300 Memorial Drive, Suite 980, Houston, Texas 77007
Tel: 713-572-3337 Fax: 713-572-3777
Committee Assignments: Armed Services Committee / Judiciary Committee / Budget Committee
Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee / Joint Economic Committee
U.S. House of Representatives 22nd District of Texas
- Congressman Pete Olson
Washington DC Office: 312 Cannon HOB, Washington, D.C. 20515
Phone: (202) 225-5951 Fax: (202) 225-5241
Sugar Land Office: 1650 Highway 6, Suite 150, Sugar land, TX 77478
Clear lake Office: 17225 El Camino Real, Suite 447, Houston, TX 77058
U.S. House of Representatives 14th District of Texas
- (R) Congressman Randy Weber
Washington, DC Office: 510 Cannon House Office Building, Washington DC 20515
Phone: 202.225.2831
Hours: M-F 9-5:30 pm
- San Bernard River Flood Information: NOAA Hydrological Prediction Service
Flood Crest History
Note: These are the five highest crests since July of '79. The two in '79 were not measured at either location and are derived from the estimated height of the water flowing over Hwy 35 both times. The other three crests were measured at either Hwy 35 or the Phillips 66 San Bernard terminal and a level is estimated for the other location.
Stages for San Bernard River near Sweeny:
Action Stage: 12.0 ft
Minor Flood Stage:16.0 ft
Moderate Flood Stage: 17.0 ft.
Major Flood Stage: 18.0 ft
- National Flood Insurance Program - Official site
- American Red Cross – Are you ready for a flood?
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)