News Articles
The Dredge Report - UPDATE Sep 24
Posted on Sep 24th, 2021
Status Report 24Sep21
Rigid Constructors Dredging Contractor
Daniel Garza Project Manager - HDR Engineering, Inc, Owner’s-Engineer
- Dredged approximately 97,221 CY (Cubic Yards) of material = approximately 26.8% of the total expected 362,163 CY
- Traveled about 4,350 LF (Linear Feet) = 44.8% of the overall project length of 9,700 LF
Items of note:
- On Sun 09/19/21, Contractor completed post-storm operations (relocating errant pipeline, aligning dredge, cleared logs/debris from pipeline corridor)
- On Mon 09/20/21, the Contractor began dredging after 18-days of shutdown.
- The Contractor provided an updated schedule on Thu 09/23/21. Based on their updated schedule, they expect to complete dredging operations by Sun 10/31/21, with pipeline removal and full demobilization by Sat 11/20/21.
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