News Articles
Flood Program Held
Posted on Jul 20th, 2019

Program instructor Tom Ronayne, is a forty-year resident living within the Brazoria County 100 year flood plain, thirty of those years next to the San Bernard. Along the way, he became a Red Raider and acquired a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Texas Tech University.
Attendees at the FOR Environmental Committee public education program “What Happens When It Rains” on Saturday, July 20 learned how to interpret information after a severe rain episode over the San Bernard watershed using National Weather Service flood hydrographs. The NWS reports river levels and forecasts of future levels at four locations. The link to these are always found at the bottom of this home page at NOAA Hydrological Prediction Service.
![]() During the program, Tom demonstrated, assisted here by Adalia Maudlin, how different factors on the river affects how the water flows. The class proved they all knew one thing - water does not flow up hill.
“What Happens When It Rains” presentation shown at the Saturday program. To view a particular slide, click on the pause button to stop, then click again to restart.
Comment By: John Muskopf
Posted on Jul 21, 2019
Thank you for making the slides available. I was out of town and while I missed the discussion that occurred Saturday it was informative to see the slides.