News Articles
April Water Quality Test on San Bernard
Posted on Apr 11th, 2017
Valroy Mauldin, FOR Director and Tim Logan, FOR Evironmental Team Leader, citizen scientists, take water samples each month midway between the FM 521 bridge and the FM 2611 bridge for the Texas Stream Team program. The test report the pH level, salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity.
The recently added bacterium Enteroccocus test is conducted through a partnership with Galveston Bay Foundation.
April Field Observation Note: Sample date 4-11-17. Water flow (stick in water) very slow upstream, could be wind. 2" avg depth of water over salt water dam on 4-10-17 (see "The Dam Report" below). Bacteria sample taken and transported to Galveston Bay Foundation for analysis. Enterococcus analyzed by GBF MPN 20 CFU/100mL
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