News Articles
The Dredge report - 3/2/22
Posted on Mar 4th, 2022
Photo Bert Smith

Wed Mar 2, 2022. Position of Yellow Fin dredge near opening of mouth similar to Feb 13 position.

Map shows section of river worked Thu 02/24 thru Wed 03/02
Status Report 2Mar22
Rigid Constructors - Dredging Contractor
Daniel Garza Project Manager - HDR Engineering, Inc, Owner’s-Engineer
Based on daily reports, the following metrics have been calculated
LF (Linear Feet) = 8,280 (85.4% of 9,700)
CY (Cubic Yards) = 366,855 (95.6% of 383,650)
Rigid achieved another milestone – they have moved beyond the eastern shoreline and made it to the Gulf of Mexico.
There were only two days this week (03/01 and 03/02) where waves allowed for dredging. No dredging occurred on the other days.
The County has issued a change order for the additional material.
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