News Articles
Last Stop for TXGLO
Posted on Feb 20th, 2018

“Who dat?”…it’s one of the crews of the DNR Group, a logging company that works water recovery projects in the Louisiana swamps. DNR was hired by the Texas General Land Office to de-snag the San Bernard of hurricane trees and trash. Several trash barges were also unloaded at Hanson Riverside County Park at Hwy 35 on Feb 27th.

Starting at the intersection of the San Bernard and Intracoastal Waterway about four weeks ago, they worked their way up river, unloading barges of trash into huge trash trucks at the Churchiil Bridge, FM 521 bridge and Hanson Park boat ramps. A total of 30 miles from start to finish. An estimated total amount of 30,000 cubic yds of trash was to be removed. Ça c’est bon (Sa say boh-n): That’s good.
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