News Articles
February Meeting Reports
Posted on Feb 18th, 2014
These reports are a way to let the public know what FOR’s been up to. It’s also a way that someone can determine if there is any way they’d like to get involved in things. Please contact FOR if you are interested. (Select Volunteer on the "Contact Us" drop down list.)
- Feb 25, Brazoria County Commisioners Court, County Courthouse, Angleton
In attendance at the meeting were ​FOR representatives Wayne and Vicki Head, Marilyn Shockley, Bob Bailey, Ken and Linda Wright, Mike and Suzanne Goodson, Susie Alford, Tom Valliere and Tom Ronayne. The Commissioners voted unanimously to hire Dannenbaum Engineering to begin preparation of a grant application for RESTORE Act funds to dredge open the mouth and build protective jetties to keep it open. The FOR Mouth Committee submitted a brief to each member of the Court prior to the meeting in support of the mouth opening and stabilization project.
- Feb 13 Community Advisory Panel (CAP) meeting, Old Ocean
Representing FOR at the quarterly ChevronPhillips Chemical and Phillips66 Community Advisory Panel meeting was Tom Ronayne, FOR V.P. Updates at the meeting included, CPChem is in the process of building a new furnace that can be seen taking shape at the east end of the unit, located east of FM 524.
Site prep is occurring now for the CPChem Polyethylene project. Construction will peak in third quarter of next year with 1,800 contractors. Start up is projected for late 2016. The tallest structures will be 270-300' high. Shipping of 60-70 rail car loads per day is anticipated. This, along with Tenaris production, should equal about one additional train per day through Sweeny and across the San Bernard River railroad bridge.
Phillips66 has purchased 1,875 acres of formerly rice production property near Damon with water rights to 6,225 acre-ft of water. It is the likely site for building a fourth reservoir versus clearing timber land near the existing Phillips66 reservoirs.
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