News Articles
The Dredge Report - 12/3/21
Posted on Dec 3rd, 2021
Photo Jason Allen 11/29/21

On Mon Nov 29th, the dredge sits in upper right of photo. Spoil area builds in the lower left of photo that's located on the down drift side of the mouth.

Section of completed dredging from Wed 11/24 to Wed 12/01
Status Report 3Dec21
Rigid Constructors - Dredging Contractor
Daniel Garza Project Manager - HDR Engineering, Inc, Owner’s-Engineer
Based on daily reports, the following metrics have been calculated:
LF (Linear Feet) = 7,170 (73.9% of 9,700) recalculated based on actual stationing
CY (Cubic Yards) = 287,269 (79.3% of 362,163)
We’ve hit a milestone this week. The dredge broke through to the Gulf of Mexico on WED 12/01/21 at about 11:00 am. Although this is good news, since that time, the tide and surf is now more of a factor and could negatively affect dredging operations.
On Monday, we performed a survey from STA 0+00 (at the intersection of the GIWW and the San Bernard River) to approximately STA 80+00. This is significant because in addition to issues with being in open water, the movement of material into the river has started due to the opening to the GOM. We plan on using this Interim Survey as a baseline to quantify material movement now that the River is open to the GOM.
Boaters please stay clear of markers, the dredge pipe, all equipment, and the discharge area.
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