News Articles
Darkest Day is Coming
Posted on Dec 17th, 2020
Photo Bob Bailey
Winter sunset on the San Bernard near FM 521.
The shortest day and longest night of 2020 in Earth’s northern hemisphere is Monday, December 21. It’s the winter solstice that always falls between December 19th and 22nd. Here in south Texas we will have a little more than ten hours of daylight on that day.
If you don’t like the cold, here’s a silver lining: Nearer the winter solstice, the sun sets at more of an angle giving it more time to set. Which means the sunset colors linger longer allowing us to enjoy them longer. Sunsets are a great reminder to rest and reset our hearts and minds at the end of the day especially during troublesome times.
There's more on the same day...
When it’s dark and you've settled down to enjoy one of the few fires in your fireplace…get up, run outside and look to the western sky. Saturn and Jupiter will be close enough to each other to look like as one and since they are both planets, and not stars, they will shine steadily. Stars do the twinkling.
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