News Articles
20/20 Vision Needed in 2020
Posted on Dec 31st, 2019
Photo Jason Allen 12-22-19
Dec 22, 2019. Sandbar at mouth is created by a river of sand and sediments flowing from the upcoast Brazos River that fills the opening to the Gulf.
Photos A.G. “Bert” Smith 12-31-19
Dec 31. 2019. Looking northeast at the huge sand clogged mouth of the river at low tide. A shallow stream of water exits to the Gulf.
Dec 31, 2019. Overhead photo of mouth looking southwest toward the Gulf. The old opening of the river now dead-ends to the right of the photo.
This is the trouble spot of the San Bernard. It’s slated to be dredged open Fall of 2020 to the Gulf of Mexico. RESTORE Act funds related to the Deepwater Horizon spill have been allotted to pay for it. Dredging is planned as the most effective method of keeping the mouth open - forever. FOR San Bernard encourages all involved in this project to use 20/20 vision in 2020 and clearly see completing this government-supported undertaking.
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