News Articles
San Bernard Santa Christmas Toys for Kids
Posted on Nov 12th, 2019

Friends of the River (FOR) San Bernard is trying something new this year! Their “San Bernard Santa Christmas Toys for Kids" donation drive will be collecting many items for children who may not receive anything for Christmas.
Donations will go to Mia Spargo’s Magical Toy Drive, of Lake Jackson but recommendations for Foster Care Centers or needy families are always appreciated. Mia is a 12-year old Cancer survivor that created an annual toy collection to give back to the Texas Children’s Hospital - Cancer Kids. She and her family work each year to distribute hundreds of toys to children who will spend their holidays in the hospital. This year her goal is to collect 2,000 donations. She currently has more than 500 items.
Bring your unwrapped items of toys, hats/gloves, books/puzzles, etc. for children of all ages to the drop-off locations listed below. Please note hospital toy restrictions include nothing for the hair, no make-up, no nail polish, nothing religious, and no guns.
Drop-off locations:
- Sat Dec 7th, 8:30 - 9:30 am, FOR “Breakfast on the Bernard” at Dido’s
- Mon Dec 9th, FOR Ladies Bunco Night
- Wed Dec 11th, 6:30 pm, FOR Board of Directors Mtg / Christmas Party at FOR Community Center, 20450 CR 510-B
- Sat Dec 14th, 5:30 - 9:00 pm, FOR Christmas Boat Parade viewing at Dido’s or the FOR Community Center
- Sun Dec 15th, Noon - 2:00 pm, FOR Christmas Boat Parade Awards Party at Liquid Rides building, FM 521 just east of the river
- DEADLINE - All FOR Christmas Toy Donations will be delivered to Mia by Mon Dec 16th.
Thank you in advance for your support and generosity!
Contact: Cathy MacDonald, San Bernard Santa Toy Drive Chairman, (703) 794-8555 or cmac8555@gmail.com
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